YEAR 2021
MATERIALS Gum, Colored Pencils, a Communal Journal and so on
SKILLS Service Mapping, Prototyping, User Testing, Applying Philosophical Theory, Play
AWARDS 2021 George M. Meserve Award from Northeastern University for outstanding class critique and curriculum engagement
treat the burn box
A “DIY” toolbox for rest in the face of creative burnout.
In this graduate-level course called, “Design for Dignity”, we explored how Dignity might break down into values of Autonomy, Merit, Human Rights, and Interpersonal Care with our professor Miso Kim. We worked together to create a sustainable, physical, in-class tool to treat our complex needs for rest.
We asked ourselves, “What would our 6-year old selves do to rest? What toys fascinated us?” and began sketching out a type of “lunch-box for burnout” idea to symbolize each theoretical value of dignity.
final prototype
In our final concept prototype, we presented our work to the class. Browse the presentation slides. We incorporated things like play-doh for autonomy, a collaborative journal for interpersonal care, a take-one-leave-one meal share ticket system for merit, and granola bars for human rights. Watch a bit of our live demo. In addition to the box, my teammates and I presented a service map and story to imagine how this tradition could realistically live on across our entire college.